Tuesday, October 21, 2008

R&TVP Redrawns - Off To The Races (Ups 'N' Downs)

Firstly, apologies for the recent lack of posts, as I've been quite busy recently.

These series of R&TVP posts will come to an end today, partly because of problems with my Windows Movie Maker software, and also because I'm more keen on starting a series of posts about UK cartoon annuals and British versions of Tom & Jerry, Bugs Bunny, and Barney Bear comic strips. But I will end this series with a true WTF redrawn! I intended to post this as a big, surprising finale. but my uploaded copy was already discovered by a GAC Forum member ( click here! ). That'll teach me to upload it a day early!

Nevertheless, I'll present the most bizarre redrawn ever - Off To The Races.

This is based on Ups 'N' Downs, a 1931 Looney Tune starring Bosko. At first glance, it looks as if it is a better-looking effort compared to some of the others featured on my blog. That is, until the bad guy throws a grenade at Bosko and his mechanical horse, which then explodes. At that point, it gets really, REALLY bizarre - the ending is completely different to the original, with extremely crappy-looking original Korean animation, off-model characters, and, to add insult to injury, the original soundtrack is replaced by terribly-corny music (thankfully, it's quite brief). One may assume that the source material came without its ending, hence the entirely-new one!

For those of you who haven't seen either or both versions, I recommend seeing the original first:

And if you're brave enough to see this redrawn, here it is:

That's the end of my R&TVP posts. I hope some of you enjoyed watching them, and to those who are now virtually blind after overdosing on these redrawns, I beg you to accept my sincere apologies (hee! hee! hee!).

Now, on to the annuals...


  1. Anonymous3:10 am

    WTF?! the animation change on the end of redrawn version with thier own.

  2. Always love seeing these comparisons. By the way, just got an original b/w Astra print of "Off to the Races"! :-D

  3. Anonymous12:44 am

    In case anyone's curious, the song that plays in the redone ending is "Kindly Leave the Stage" by Johnny Pearson. It can be heard on the APM site: http://www.apmmusic.com/myapm

