Monday, July 21, 2008

R&TVP Redrawns - On Duty (One More Time)

On Duty is Radio & Television Packagers' redrawn version of One More Time, the third Merrie Melodie ever made (released 3rd October 1931), and the last to feature Harman-Ising's short-lived character Foxy. This redrawn was sourced from a silent print, so you don't get to hear Frank Marsales' music score performed by Abe Lyman's Brunswick Recording Orchestra to ease the pain of watching it!

However, if you like to watch this version with stock music and sound effects, here it is for your viewing (dis)pleasure (apologies for the sound being out-of-synch):

And here's the original in all its glory:

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:01 pm

    In the redrawn it looks like Foxy just dies at the end.
