Tuesday, January 01, 2008

A New Year, And A New Look!

Hi, guys! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

And I decided that this is the perfect time to relaunch my blog, not only with a new template, but also with a brand new (and dangerously-titled) name. The inspiration for this comes from the title of a series of cartoon strips I drew for my University magazine, before the new millenium (an example can be seen by clicking on the image below):

Throughout January, I will be finishing off my series of posts about the "lost" Columbia cartoons. The remaining cartoons to be posted here include:

Major Google
Hollywood Sweepstakes
Dreams on Ice
The Herring Murder Mystery
Kickapoo Juice
Kitty Caddy.

And starting this February, I will be making a series of posts regarding the worst-looking redrawn cartoons ever: The Radio & Television Packagers cartoons. These will include specially-selected video clips, with (where possible) the originals. Just to whet your apppetite (or to warn you), here are some hilarious-looking frames taking from the beginning of the redrawn version of Felix Misses His Swiss:

I didn't know Felix had a weak bladder!

Also, I've decided to change the links section to include only those that contains info about the classic cartoons. But if you have a blog (which can be almost-anything) and is interested in becoming one of my "blogger buddies" (where we promote each other's blogs), let me know in the comments section. Cheers!

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